Juan Mora

Circular Economy Models in EU and LAC business strategies

EULAC Foundation – European Union – Latin America and the Caribbean has recently published the Case Study Circular Economy Models and integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in the business strategies of the EU and LAC. It provides an overview of the state of CSR progress in several countries in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.

This study highlighted topics of interest on both continents, to promote the exchange of best practices and business cases that simplify modalities through which the business sector can advance certain aspects of sustainable development. Five topics of interest were identified to continue shared learning:

  1. Circular economy (CE) and environmental protection mechanisms, and clean energy generation.
  2. Agenda 2030 and integration of the SDGs: identifying development and business opportunities.
  3. Socially and environmentally sustainable value chain.
  4. Reducing multidimensional poverty and creating sustainable communities
  5. human rights and business.

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