Category: Uncategorized

  • La importancia de la cooperación global para las taxonomías verdes

    The importance of global cooperation for green taxonomies

    The importance of global cooperation for green taxonomies The motivation to develop the first green taxonomy arose when the EU identified the need for annual investments in excess of €700 billion to achieve its energy transition goals and address the climate crisis in Europe. Since then, several countries have adopted or…

  • Gestión Responsable de la Cadena de Suministro (CSDDD)

    Responsible Supply Chain Management (CSDDD)

    Responsible Supply Chain Management The German Act on Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) came into force on January 1, 2023, establishing new obligations to strengthen respect for human rights and environmental standards in supply chains. global supply. At the same time, the European Parliament approved in…

  • Modelos de Economía Circular empresarial de la UE y ALC

    EU and LAC Business Circular Economy Models

    Juan Mora Circular Economy Models in the business strategies of the EU and LAC EULAC Foundation – European Union – Latin America and the Caribbean has recently published the Case Study Circular Economy Models and integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in the business strategies of the EU and LAC. Provides…

  • Cómo construir edificios más resistentes al cambio climático

    How to build buildings more resistant to climate change

    How to build more sustainable buildings that are resistant to climate change Given the foreseeable threats of climate change, it is imperative that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions derived from the construction sector are reduced, stopped and reversed. The construction sector is experiencing unprecedented growth and is projected to…
